Shelving provides organised storage for dry and refrigerated goods keeping them off the floor.  They also allow for greater air circulation and easier access to goods that would otherwise be stacked ontop of each other.  Workbenches complete the perfect workshop container by facilitating activities such as packing and unpacking of shelved goods, drafting or office related work, metal or wood working and tool assembly.

Shelving / Workbench Options

We can install multi-tier shelves or workbenches to be standard or heavy duty load bearing.  Let us know the length, height and width dimensions and how many tiers you require. Typical configurations include shelving down one or both sides with end door openings or a two tier workbench.  Shelves can be solid or meshed to allow for spills or to meet food grade requirements and we can configure ALL shelves to be meshed or only specific sections/tiers. Shelves and workbenches can be fabricated and connected to container walls permenantly or made as standalone components to allow for modularity. We can add custom modifications to improve the ergonomics and usability of workbenches or shelving for your specific project.

  • 3 tiers2 tiers
    How many tiers? What size?
  • shelf tiersmesh tiers
    Solid or mesh tiers?
  •  lightweightheavy duty
    Lightweight or heavy duty?
  • fixed iconmodular icon
    Fixed or Moveable?
  • custom modifications



HD shelving down LHS
internal space with shelving
heavy duty shelving
hd shelving steel top workbench
office with shelves
Modification Type: 
Container Fittings
Container Safety Modifications
Container Temperature Control
Misc Shipping Container Modifications
Modification of: